Posture and Scoliosis Correction Physical Therapy in NYC

Scoliosis is usually formed during the early stages of the childhood. This orthopedic defect forces the spinal cord to move out of its original alignment and shape itself into a S or C curve. Although this disease is usually observed among children, yet many adults also become a victim of this in later stages of their lives. The reasons for this defect include severe knee or back surgeries, uneven pelvic position and severe head injuries. The posture & scoliosis correction physical therapy in NYC includes and promotes the use of manual specialized exercise programs to recalibrate and readjust the spinal cord into its original and non-scoliosis form.

Surgical measures, such as back braces and surgical rods are also advised in certain cases, depending upon the nature and gravity of the defect. With the advancements in the field of physical therapy, the medical experts are now recommending a non-surgical method to realign the spinal cord perfectly with the shape of the body. This method is designed to promote a healthier and a stronger communication between the brain and the respective muscles in the spinal cord region.

The physical therapists involved in the posture & scoliosis correction physical therapy in NYC consider the root cause of scoliosis to be the inability of the brain to communicate the correct posture signals to the spinal cord. With the help of personalized exercise programs, the patients can slowly strengthen the muscles and the tissues responsible for the alignment of the spinal cord, and this in turn, realigns the entire spinal cord into a perfect vertical position. The physical therapists recommend taking advantage of muscle sharpening exercises, before delving deeper into the invasive surgical options. These manual therapy programs have helped hundreds of scoliosis ridden patients to achieve a perfectly aligned spinal cord.  


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